Not Just Another Story: A Book Review

'Not just another story,' a  collection of seventeen exquisite stories, written by Subhash Chandra sir, is a supereminent work, teaching us the way a young learner should juxtapose the curves of monotony in his write-ups. The way the characters and situations in the stories have been created seems to be exceptional to me. They are all equally exquisite; they are all realistic with their verisimilitude, casting light on social issues, life's contradictions, psychic complexities, and subliminal drives.
The first story, Moksha, can teach anyone the true meaning of humour. Any young writer, learning to write well in view of monotony, will get a lot of points and techiniques worth noting down; and being greedy, this was one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to go through this book. As a matter of fact, these are some of the best stories I have gone through so far.
The book should indeed be prescribed as a text of study for the students of English literature.The stories are going to be in my heart throughout my whole journey. It is very true that what comes out of one's heart is bound to touch other hearts. This is the only reason why the collection is so touching, enough to motivate anyone, bringing about a tsunami of emotions in the ocean of my heart.
Sir, we wish the best for you. May all your paths continue to be peaceful and full of exquisiteness. 

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