Chit Chat with Tvisha Desai

AMIT- What is the turning point in your career? What inspired you to write a book?
TVISHA - A Turning point in my life was those times when I was in school and was little alone. It didn't depress me when it started hovering my mind I saw in me that I could observe nature and could feel the beauty. That's when I thought to jot my view, my sight. Suddenly it turned into something better and better. With time I added a figure of speech in them, upgraded vocabulary and voila I could place few lines of the poem here and there. During my 12th, my boards were 15 days away and I had my junior calling me to help her out with her story and plot. I stayed up late and made a plot, characters, and climax for her. Then later I asked what was this all about, and I came to know about anthology contests. I had a story already on had and thus I submitted too. It was destiny I guess, the 'Half Baked Love' anthology needed the last story for book and they chose me. It was the best turning point in my life where I wasn't even supposed to submit but I did and then it led me here.
AMIT- Which part of writing you consider the hardest?
TVISHA - One can say that hardest part of the whole writing process is visualizing the idea you want to imbibe in your writing. Designing the core of your writing is tough. Once you crack it, it's almost done if you don't mess with vocabulary, grammar and other stuff which may hold the readers with your emotions. If readers can't feel you, then you are writing nothing.
AMIT- Best piece of advice for writers trying to break in?
TVISHA - Don't write for others or copywriters. Write what you feel, it will surely touch hearts. Using extraordinary words won't make it amazing. Advice would be that you write what you want to and not anyone else wants.
AMIT- Something personal about you, people may be surprised to know?
TVISHA - I am an eccentric person. I have different visions and thoughts than usual girls. I am a feminist but I also support men for their being miserable is never seen by society. Especially in India. If people will try to know me, they might dwell in along with me. It's nothing to surprise or not. Too much singing about me. Haha.
AMIT- What are you working on at the minute?
TVISHA - At the minute I am working on me. About how I have many flaws and I need them to be treated soon. With that, I am working on the career. It's important for the whole life.
Thank you for your time! Best wishes for the book.
Thank you for your time! Best wishes for the book.
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